A place for user to post their own pic's of MoM products.
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(No Sales here please)

PUFFLEVEL Last Sale Super Deal

Just wanted to show off the amazing deal from Pufflevel. It worked out cheaper than what they had had posted. I’ve tried a couple and will do a full review later. Weight,smell,taste and proper humidity seem to be good. Packaging was amazing foiled pouch ,two brown envelopes and vacuumed packed twice. Enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think!
White fire alien x La confidential
White fire alien x La confidential
Dead head og
Dead head og
Sfv og x east coast diesel
Sfv og x east coast diesel
Black tuna kush
Black tuna kush
Grease  monkey
Grease monkey
7g each and Cinderella 99 and cookies and cream samples
7g each and Cinderella 99 and cookies and cream samples