*Posts in this section are user generated only, MoM's can comment on posts made but may not start post themselves.
*Posts MUST contain at least 1 photo of the product being reviewed.
*Posts MUST be thorough enough to offer others some context of the products. 1-2 line reviews may be removed at the admins discretion.



Overall rating out of 10: 8/10

Didn't require a sign up as samples We're Sent out for review to get new mom Status

As far as pricing goes, no idea as they were free

Communication,Anthony seemed nice and excited to Join community

Packaging ,was good double vacumed , and placed in. Bubble. Mailer

Product: I had Pineapple it was. Nice. Smelled appropriate, no shake included. It was exactly what I expected from it

Purple space queen was very good as a fan of. Romulan you could really tell this was an. Off. Shoot of it and smelled like apples it was very good I would recommend it for sure

Nektar terp sauce, I hadn't had this before it was good as far as if I would. Buy it after. Looking up the cost it's. Not. Work not. To. Me but to some it. Might be it was very flavorful though

Incentive for review: when I was a. Offered the sample. I had. Mentioned I woild do a review Anthony said he would appreciate it, I did for get to post it cuz Ima stoner and forget things lol

However I have put it on because I recived a threatening dm from him about black listing me with the other moms, so though my review is positive and the product was. Good I would not be purchasing from them moving forward

Re: Bcbudbaby

A very unfortunate situation. 😀
But i need to clarify a couple of things.

1. I never approached this individual for a review. He approached me. As a new mom, i did want to authenticate myself, and prove that i am legitimate and can provide a trustworthy service. I did deliver on my part.

2. A DM to this individual was no way a thread. I had simply said individuals like that does not contribute anything positive to this community.. which is 100% true lol

I am not afraid to voice my opinion, i dont believe that i had done any wrong to any of my customers...

I wished the package was sent out to a different reviewer instead, because after all, it was sent out with a purpose in mind. That is to review our products and services. If theres no review then obviously this person did not deliver his promise and.. he did not contribute anything to the community.

Re: Bcbudbaby

Well I know one mom I won't be purchasing from

Take the loss, this DM threat shit doesn't fly and shouldn't

Do I threaten to go to the cops when I don't get a package? No but these MOMs feel entitled to add you to a list for not doing a review?

Fuck that noise and fuck bcbudbaby

Re: Bcbudbaby

hashyhead wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 8:34 am Fuck that noise and fuck bcbudbaby

Whoa there! Jumping the gun a bit aren't you? Claims have been made but no evidence has been presented yet.

I normally side with the customer in most disputes as well*, but do you not think someone who accepts review samples has an obligation? I think it might be infuriating to a new business who is depending on reviews to build their reputation.

So until we see whether the DM is actually threatening or just expressing his frustration, we shouldn't start maligning businesses trying to establish themselves.

* although his retarded punctuation makes me feel he is deliberately being a jerk.

Re: Bcbudbaby

At the end of our private conversation. I had said clearly that it might of been my misunderstanding. I had thank him and moved on. But unfortunately this issue was brought to the public's attention so let me take this opportunity to apologize to wilfredbrimly once again if he felt as it was a thread. A great opportunity for me to better myself and my business!

Focusing on the main purpose of the review, was my communiciation bad? Was my products or packaging bad? If so alllow me to send anonther pack out to wilfredbrimly for another review 😃👌

This is my issue, i honestly think we should end it here and not ruin the great vibe in the community!