Re: Oral sprays or oils?

The mints sold by HSP are strong and very discrete.Each one is supposedly 10mg of THC and three of the little guys knocked me on my ass, so they are stronger than listed.I think 30 in a tiny box and not expensive.Sweetened with Xilitol so even good for our teeth.I mouthwash with that sugar each night to avoid the dentist.Vaping honey oils is discrete as well.Little to no smell and strong.HSP honey oil is the best and not expensive in bulk.

Re: Oral sprays or oils?

Hey we have a ton of options if smoking is not working for you to get your medicine, from Vapes, to capsules, topicals, sprays, edibles. I think right now we're reaching 400 products on our website.

Check us out, shoot me a message here or on discord. I'm always around.



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Last edited by Cheebas on Thu Jun 06, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.