Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Greetings CMOM heads.

I've got a question for everybody whose my knowledgeable than myself.

I bought 4x7g from Kootenay back on August 22. Watermelon, Strawberry Jerry, Pink Kush and THC Snow. This was before a majority of the mould/bug/pm scares were going on and I wasn't as vigilant in checking my bud as thoroughly. I'd been vaping each strain every second day or so. I opened my jar of watermelon and picked up my remaining bud (around a gram or 1.5g) and I was immediately drawn to a very small, white hairy looking patch around the base of the stem but in a pocket of buds. Sure enough it was mould. Threw it out as it wasn't very much but it still has me a bit concerned.

The question I guess I'm slowly getting at is what kind of factors with storage could necessarily contribute to that? And how long would said factors take to bring about the mould? I kept each strain in the jars they came with (UV resistant, screw on cap, stored in a closet) and this did not have a boveda pack in it. It was still a bit bouncy and fruity smelling at this point (almost 3 months into the purchase) and I couldn't notice any ammonia or bad smells.

Usually inspect everything on purchase, but there's always that chance that something gets through.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

I am new to bud but I am very familiar with cigars and keeping them mold free. There are 2 main components in keeping your material mold free; relative humidity (RH) and temperature. The rule that has never failed me is 65% RH and 65F (many say 70% and 70 degree but I feel that is to close to the point that mold will start to grow).

As the temperature drops, RH will increase and when temperature increases, RH will decrease. So chances are that your bud environment was over 70% RH and/or 70F at some point.

I would suggest getting and using boveda packs religiously (a little over $5 for a 68gr pack on Amazon). I use a 68gr pack for each oz of bud (overkill but better safe than sorry). They cost a lot less than ruined bud.

EDIT: Sorry, just realized that I didn't answer the question. The time it would take your bud to mod/rot would depend on the RH and temperature and the amount of time your bud is within that mold range (above 70% rh and/or 70F). Your bud was probably only in the mold range (most likely temps got too high in your case) for short durations, that's why it took a couple moths to grow a small amount of mold.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

itsjustasalad wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:44 pm thanks for the only reply bill! Kind of hoped somebody else would chime in but I guess I write like an idiot :)

I'm figuring the lid wasn't attached all the way and some moisture seeped in. I have other strains in the same containers from the same date and they were all fine. Never had any ill effects either but each person is different.

Thanks for chiming in
No problem, glad to help.

To your thought about the moisture seeping in, unless you live in a high humidity climate, if your lid was not airtight, your bud would have dried out; not mold. This is because the air in your closet/house would probably be drier than your bud.

What happens when you have an airtight container with a boveda pack (I use 62% RH), is any excess humidity given off by the bud will be absorbed by the pack (or vice versa, your bud is less then 62% RH, the boevda pack will release humidity so that the bud will receive humidity) thereby eventually bringing the bud and air in the jar to around 62% RH.

Apologies for being long winded.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

itsjustasalad wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:44 pm thanks for the only reply bill! Kind of hoped somebody else would chime in but I guess I write like an idiot :)
Not at all! I actually wrote a reply but I had been spaced out like an idiot at the time and it was basically like "mur mur mur bodeva pack mur" so I purged it and decided to come back at a later point.

Your writing is fine. :)

ANYWAY whenever I buy anything that's like, more than 3.5 grams is generally the tipping point here.... into a jar with a bodeva. (knocks on some wood) I am a bit excessive with them. If I had a huge airtight jar EVERYTHING would be in the jar, but I don't, I only have like... 5 smaller jars right now? I've never had a mouldy bud, the worst I've had is unapologetic unusably dry bud. And I have absolutely hoarded marijuana for ages. I have great eyesight and I do pour over any stranger looking or older buds, I guess I've just been lucky? Or perhaps it's because I've always had humidity of less than 50% in my home? Anyway, I do my level best to keep my cannabis cool, dry, and dark and it sounds like you just got unlucky.

The fact that you got it from a higher end MOM means if you bring it to their attention you may get some future compensation, a coupon or a replacement?

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

bill1clinton wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:04 pm
No problem, glad to help.

To your thought about the moisture seeping in, unless you live in a high humidity climate, if your lid was not airtight, your bud would have dried out; not mold. This is because the air in your closet/house would probably be drier than your bud.

What happens when you have an airtight container with a boveda pack (I use 62% RH), is any excess humidity given off by the bud will be absorbed by the pack (or vice versa, your bud is less then 62% RH, the boevda pack will release humidity so that the bud will receive humidity) thereby eventually bringing the bud and air in the jar to around 62% RH.

Apologies for being long winded.
Humidity in the house fluctuates quite a bit but none of my other bud was affected; which kind of makes me think that it was infected from the beginning. I've been storing everything mostly in glass jars with the metal clasps from CanTire and anything in smaller amounts in my LP jars (not airtight but good for small amounts). I've been known to spill drinks on the desk, and I'm really reaching far here but maybe excess moisture in the drawer seeped into a non air-tight container?

All ok on the "long winded". I generally will write several hundred (sometimes 1000+) words to convey my thoughts in hopes that nothing gets misinterpreted! Thanks again for the reply!
Keyll wrote:
ANYWAY whenever I buy anything that's like, more than 3.5 grams is generally the tipping point here.... into a jar with a bodeva. (knocks on some wood) I am a bit excessive with them. If I had a huge airtight jar EVERYTHING would be in the jar, but I don't, I only have like... 5 smaller jars right now? I've never had a mouldy bud, the worst I've had is unapologetic unusably dry bud. And I have absolutely hoarded marijuana for ages. I have great eyesight and I do pour over any stranger looking or older buds, I guess I've just been lucky? Or perhaps it's because I've always had humidity of less than 50% in my home? Anyway, I do my level best to keep my cannabis cool, dry, and dark and it sounds like you just got unlucky.

The fact that you got it from a higher end MOM means if you bring it to their attention you may get some future compensation, a coupon or a replacement?
I had thought about going to them about it but this was a sale from over 3 months ago now. And 90% of the product had been consumed. I would feel pretty dishonest/unnerved about asking for compensation on a product I've already consumed.

I'm not a scientist and although I've been smoking for 20+ years I've never really looked at quality control until my foray into MOMs and legal weed. I can say with full confidence that I've unknowingly smoked mouldy bud before but again until recently I've never been vigilante about it.

Been a bit unlucky, but overall since buying from MOMS for the last 2 years I've only had two problems so far. Unforunately my first was the very first time ordering from CheapWeed, got a bad batch of White Widow. Emailed Tony and got it sorted out super quick. Ever since then I've been maybe too paranoid on inspecting my bud. Just got a 8g freebie of Black Diamond from Grass Chief and it just looks absolutely caked with crystals, but there's areas on the bud that almost resemble goopy paste (in visual terms, no paste at all no slime, nothing wipes off leaving residue) and it has me on the fence. Especially after finding it on my KC stuff.

My jars have 62% Boveda packs, somewhere I was hearing that people vaping should use 58% but the 62's seem to work for me currently. Burp the containers every week (generally every day or two since I like to enjoy many different strains).

Maybe I'll give KC a reach out and see what they say, but I don't really except to be compensated; more so just a heads up for them. It could very well have stemmed from being in my possession.

Thanks for the reply keyll

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Please do complain even if it's been a while. Their watermelon is always a bit dry for me so there is absolutely no reason it should mold after arrival or during shipping. There have been at least 4-5 reports of mold on their watermelon lately, I sent them a big mail about it imploring them to fix these issues and pull the batch. They did pull the batch but I got no confirmation on any compensation or replacement.

They damn well know they had a moldy batch, they absolutely need to own up to it. Steve wanted to put them in the community issues section of the list for this.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

farmingbaked wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:33 pm I had mold on the white rhino and watermelon from kc on my first and only order. They compensated me right away when i sent pics and replaced them with pink kush, which was cheaper but whatever. So i get the pink kush in the mail a week later and it has a super chemical off putting taste and smoke.
That's concerning, growers have techniques they use to try and recover molded crops which can potentially leave them smelling and tasting chemically.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

xsinx wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:54 pm There have been at least 4-5 reports of mold on their watermelon lately, I sent them a big mail about it imploring them to fix these issues and pull the batch. They did pull the batch but I got no confirmation on any compensation or replacement.

They damn well know they had a moldy batch, they absolutely need to own up to it. Steve wanted to put them in the community issues section of the list for this.
Really? I just placed a good size order on Monday.. they recommended the watermelon to me.. I chose mystery machine instead due to some online reviews. But that’s troubling if they’ve been having mold issues with a batch, and they personally recommended it to me when they had substitute a strain due to it being out of stock.

BTW guys.. are the KC jars air-tight and UV proof? I’m curious if I should leave them in my jars or theirs.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Vdubb wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:39 amReally? I just placed a good size order on Monday.. they recommended the watermelon to me.. I chose mystery machine instead due to some online reviews. But that’s troubling if they’ve been having mold issues with a batch, and they personally recommended it to me when they had substitute a strain due to it being out of stock.

BTW guys.. are the KC jars air-tight and UV proof? I’m curious if I should leave them in my jars or theirs.
Just to be clear, the watermelon went out of stock after the last mold report I heard about, shortly after I emailed them. They never updated me but I'm assuming they pulled it and that their current watermelon is a new batch, hopefully clean and mold free. My last batch of watermelon was in September I think, and I still have some here and it's fine. Harsher than my previous batch, but mold free. I didn't inspect it with the microscope but the nose is fine and nothing out of the ordinary on the buds themselves.

As for the jars... Most of the time when I open them upon receiving an order, they go "pffff" so clearly, they can be airtight, but I wouldn't leave my weed in plastic jars, especially considering Masons are like 10$ a dozen at any grocery store. As for UV proof, I'm assuming the color is for that, but I could be wrong. Either way, you should not store your weed in a lighted place, so IMHO kind of irrelevant.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

xsinx wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:54 pm Their watermelon is always a bit dry for me ...
Contrary to yours, my Watermelon was.. well, I'm trying to find the right word. I don't want to say moist or damp but they're about the only words I can think of right now; so far from dry. As I said previously, I purchased it on Aug 22 and likely received it a few days later. Even after that 3 months of casual consumption, the last nugget was still feeling the same. After 3 months they should have been dry, maybe not crumbly, but dry.

Maybe I'll give them an email just to let them know. I purchased some Dharma Diesel and Blue Frost, inspected both and saw nothing. It's for somebody else though so now it has me worried. They'll go through it quicker than 3 months though. Blue Frost smelled absolutely amazing though. It's a shame I'm worrying so much. They have great product (for the most part).

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

I recently realized that my two ounces recently purchased were moldy. They all had greyish white webbing inside near the stems. Also, it smells really gross. I contacted customer support and was told it cannot be mold since it was grown outside (???) . After sending a picture of some moldy buds, I was told that if it was only a few buds with mold, then it's alright, here is a 40$ coupon off your next order...Is it me or 40$ coupon off is cheap when you have 2 full ounces affected, which was priced at 140$ before coupons...What is the usual reply, what is acceptable in this kind of case? I don't wanna spit on a 40$ coupon but I don't feel safe ordering anymore from this mom...what would you guys do?
Last edited by donmaxxx on Thu Dec 20, 2018 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

donmaxxx wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:33 pm I recently realized that my two ounces recently purchased were moldy. They all had greyish white webbing inside near the stems. Also, it smells really gross. I contacted customer support and was told it cannot be mold since it was grown outside (???) . After sending a picture of some moldy buds, I was told that if it was only a few buds with mold, then it's alright, here is a 40$ coupon off your next order...Is it me or 40$ coupon off is cheap when you have 2 full ounces affected, which was priced at 140$ before coupons...What is the usual reply, what is acceptable in this kind of case? I don't wanna spit on a 40$ coupon but I don't feel safe ordering anymore from this mom...what would you guys do?
Don't accept anything less than a full refund for this. If it were one bud then maybe but the whole 2 ounces, that's BS, not like you're going to smoke it, are you?

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

I'm not smoking this of course, but I smoked some, maybe 3-4 times before realizing it...Instantly I had a runny nose and headaches...This is the first time I have a mold problem, but I fear that in the past, I may have had mold and didnt notice, cause I remember getting batches that made my nose runny and having headaches as soon as I was smoking it...I'll be more careful next time by inspecting it before.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Vdubb wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:25 am ^^^ I disagree that they have “great” product. They have good product, not great
I did say ''great'' didn't I? That might be a stretch, I'll agree and admit. Haven't tried too many mom's either but a decent selection of reputable companies. Not yet have I tried any IG related MOMs, because.. IG. Hear all kinds of good things about CE but it's that IG trigger.

Of the strains I've tried with KC, I think they were mostly the Top Shelf strains which might say a bit more. I'm always open to suggestion, even if it's a bit more pricey. I spend money on all kinds of "useless" items; used to tossing money around :idea:

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Vdubb wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:19 pm Dude try coastalwildfire or bh.orhority

You want great product... coastal has this Violator Kush that is absolutely to die for. AAAA+ batch.. and I don’t throw that term around lightly. They’re going to restock next week with some new strains.. can’t wait to see what they got.
Just so I'm not registering at some bogus site, it is coastalwildfire dot com right?

Pretty strapped for christmas at the moment but will unleash hell in the new year. Nice and stocked up for the holidays!

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

itsjustasalad wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:14 pm
Vdubb wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:19 pm Dude try coastalwildfire or bh.orhority

You want great product... coastal has this Violator Kush that is absolutely to die for. AAAA+ batch.. and I don’t throw that term around lightly. They’re going to restock next week with some new strains.. can’t wait to see what they got.
Just so I'm not registering at some bogus site, it is coastalwildfire dot com right?

Pretty strapped for christmas at the moment but will unleash hell in the new year. Nice and stocked up for the holidays!

You gotta register to see the menu. They’re having a very small special batch next week of purple drank breath

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

Vdubb wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:54 pm
itsjustasalad wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:14 pm
Vdubb wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:19 pm Dude try coastalwildfire or bh.orhority

You want great product... coastal has this Violator Kush that is absolutely to die for. AAAA+ batch.. and I don’t throw that term around lightly. They’re going to restock next week with some new strains.. can’t wait to see what they got.
Just so I'm not registering at some bogus site, it is coastalwildfire dot com right?

Pretty strapped for christmas at the moment but will unleash hell in the new year. Nice and stocked up for the holidays!

You gotta register to see the menu. They’re having a very small special batch next week of purple drank breath
Just got approved over the night (likely quicker than but hadn't checked the emails). Do they not offer pictures of the product or is there some other IG menu or something?

Looked into my script as I'm needing to renew my medical card in jan, went on CannaFarms to put my order in, mother fucking 300$ for 30g of GSC+CannaBliss. Thank god for moms (and benefits)

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

itsjustasalad wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:16 am
Vdubb wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:54 pm
itsjustasalad wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:14 pm

Just so I'm not registering at some bogus site, it is coastalwildfire dot com right?

Pretty strapped for christmas at the moment but will unleash hell in the new year. Nice and stocked up for the holidays!

You gotta register to see the menu. They’re having a very small special batch next week of purple drank breath
Just got approved over the night (likely quicker than but hadn't checked the emails). Do they not offer pictures of the product or is there some other IG menu or something?
Coastalwildfire_ is their insta. They have pics of their product there. You can also check out the growers on social media. For the death bubba, I looked up hubcity on insta and found tons of pics of the product. This might be a bit more work than most people want to do.. but I like to research before I buy. If you order, just make sure you try the violator. Best weed I’ve ever gotten from a MOM.

Re: Thoughts/opinions on timeframe for bud to go mouldy/rot

R.R.Toking wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:08 pm One thing I find with some of the mom weed I buy is that it isn’t cured, the exterior is dry but the stem is still damp and flexible. I end up having to draw the moisture out of the stem and back into the bud. That’s the reason why a lot of mould starts at the stem and spreads.
I actually never had that from a MOM.. Its just always dry to the core.