Looking for the strongest muscle pain strain on the market as a gift for my mom

She's really picky with her weed and it's been a little diffricult to find AAAA stuff here lately, I'm looking to buy her an ounce as a gift and I want to get the dankest strongest stuff out there. I know it must be a frequently asked question but if y'all have any opinions on your favorite and strongest strains/best vendors please let me know. I haven't ordered online in a year now I'm not familiar with any modern vendors. Thanks.

Re: Looking for the strongest muscle pain strain on the market as a gift for my mom

Ive found that smoking alone isnt really enough with pain management.
What i would suggest is a tincture. You would need a tincture with CBD and THC in it.
From my own experiance it is the way to go. The pain relieving effects of tinctures last much long then just smoking.
I take a full dropper every night before i go to bed. You will need to experiment with dosage ( go small and work your way up).
You will also need to experiment with different formulationd like, 1:1 , 4:1, etc.
Im curerntly on a 4:1 tincture, but i will be moving up to a 1:1 tincture.
Heres a link to a site the sells tinctures, its probably the only one out there the specilize in oils and what not